Saturday, August 10, 2013

So Friday we are. Just spent the evening at the county fair with my hubby, mom, step brother, and niece. It was really run! I had some yummy food and watched my niece ride rides all night! So I got home and took another Preg test. Still negative :/ no pregnant symptoms, no AF symptoms, no clue what to think. What's a girl to do?! I'm officially out of tests so at least that will keep me from testing. If AF doesn't show by Monday then I will get another. Hoping that I'm just too early to test still, but trying not to get my hopes up because I really don't want to be crushed any further (if that's possible). Today is 11 days past the first day I got a smiley face on the opk. So I guess it depends exactly when I ovulated. Don't you all just hate this back and forth game? It's seriously stinks so bad. I never dreamed that having a baby would be this difficult. While at work the other night, a co worker and I got on the topic of ttc. She told me how she's had 3 mc and still ended up with 3 kids after fertility treatments. She offered to ever talk if I needed it or a shoulder to cry on, I almost cried right there! It was so nice of her to say that, and so nice that she knew exactly how I feel.  I truly believe that those who haven't been thru an mc just don't understand. Dusty and I have been going to church and praying more often hoping we can find some peace throughout this entire situation. I appreciate all the prayers you all have sent our way. And know that I'm praying for you all too! So I will leave you with a quote I saw on Pinterest. It says "Hope shines brightest in darkest moments". So remember, thru all of these dark moments we all experience we still shine thru with hope. This is the strongest group of women I know! We WILL get thru this!

With love,

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