Tuesday, August 6, 2013


So I made a blog! (Thanks Kristen!) I'm sure no one is too interested in my small town Ohio life, but here goes! So just to start off, I'll tell you my story. Dusty and I got married June 30, 2012. We always kinda decided we would wait a year or so to start TTC but we found ourselves just wanting a baby earlier than that. Piece of cake, right? It can't be that hard! Boyyy was I wrong. I never dreamed it would be like this. We tried for about 4 months and then decided to start using OPKs. First time-BAM! Pregnant! Then about 5 days later I had my first MC. My dad accidentally spilled the beans on Facebook the day after I told him, so I had to announce to all 600+ friends of the devastating news. So, we took a couple month break since I was signing up for extra short term disability benefits at work, so I'd get paid more on maternity leave someday. So, we started trying again in April/May 2013 and another positive with opks right away! Yay! This has just got to be it! Wrong again....made it to 6 weeks and started bleeding over a weekend when I was working. Since I am an ultrasound tech, I took a quick peek with my machine and saw my baby passing. The one I thought for sure was coming this time. I was so devastated and couldn't keep my composure in front of my patients and had to leave work. Not again!! So my OB doctor ordered a thrombophilia panel to try and figure out a reason. Turns out I have a MTHFR gene mutation. It's not a clotting disorder persay, but apparently can cause blood clots between the placenta and the uterus, therefore, the nutrients are not getting to baby. It also is a disorder of the breakdown of amino acids (like folic acid). So the doctor put me on prescription strength folic acid and once I get pregnant I will need to start taking baby aspirin. After doing some research on this condition, I read a lot of doctors give their patients Lovenox or Heparin (much stronger blood thinners). So now I'm a little worried that the baby aspirin won't be enough. I DO NOT want to have another mc and THEN decide I might need something stronger. So now I am currently in my two week wait and will be testing Friday. Any extra prayers you might have, please send a quick one my way! I'm terrified of a BFN since I've gotten pregnant easily in the past, I just have problems maintaining the pregnancy! Sorry this is so long! Thanks for listening! Can't wait to post more! 

1 comment:

  1. So excited to have you blogging!! Hopefully you're a bit of inspiration to get me up and blogging again too :-) Keeping my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow!
